XML Sitemaps and Its Types: How to check XML Sitemaps

XML Sitemaps and how to check xml sitemaps

Table of Contents

XML sitemaps are files that list all the pages on your website that are available for crawling by search engines. They provide information about the structure of your website, including when each page was last updated, how often it changes, and how important it is relative to other pages on your site.

Types of Sitemaps

  • XML Sitemaps
  • HTML Sitemaps

XML Sitemaps

An XML sitemap is a file that lists all website pages in a structured format, allowing search engines to crawl and index the site more efficiently. These XML sitemaps are written in Extensible Markup Language (XML) and contain information about the URLs of a website, including the date of the last modification, the frequency of changes, and the priority of each URL.

XML sitemaps are useful for improving the search engine optimization (SEO) of a website by providing search engines with a clear and organized way to crawl the site. XML sitemaps can also help search engines discover pages on a site that might not be easily found through internal linking 

How to Create XML Sitemaps

XML sitemaps are written for search engine bots. XML sitemaps can be created manually using a utility, WordPress plugin, or your CMS’s sitemap creation process.

HTML Sitemaps

An HTML sitemap is a webpage that lists all the pages of a website in a structured manner, allowing users to navigate through the site more easily. Unlike XML sitemaps, which are meant for search engines to crawl your entire website, HTML sitemaps are primarily designed for human visitors.

HTML sitemaps are useful for improving the user experience of a website by providing a clear and organized way to navigate the site. They can also help search engines understand the structure of a website and improve its indexing. HTML sitemaps are designed for human visitors.

How to Create HTML Sitemaps

To create an HTML sitemap, you can use a sitemap generator tool such as XML Sitemap Generator, or Yoast SEO. Alternatively, if you are using WordPress, you can install a plugin such as SEO HTML Sitemaps to create an HTML sitemap page. 

How to Check Your Sitemap

XML Sitemaps

To check your sitemap, you can use an XML sitemap checker. These tools will scan your sitemap and identify any errors, like formatting errors. They will also offer recommendations on how to fix them. Alternatively, you can manually check your sitemap by looking for it in your robots.txt file or using Google Search Operators to find it.

To manually check and write your website link in the web browser search bar. For example https://abc.com/sitemap.xml

Why Use XML Sitemaps?

XML sitemaps are an essential part of optimizing your website for search engines. They help search engines crawl your site more efficiently, leading to better rankings in search results. By providing search engines with a complete list of your site’s pages, you can ensure that all of your content is indexed and available to users.

Best Practices for XML Sitemaps

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating an XML sitemap:

  1. Include all of your site’s pages: Make sure that your sitemap includes all of your site’s pages, including pages that are not linked to other pages on your site.
  2. Update your sitemap regularly: Whenever you add new pages to your site, make sure to update your sitemap so that search engines can crawl and index them.
  3. Use descriptive URLs: Use descriptive URLs that accurately reflect the content of each page on your site.
  4. Limit the number of URLs in your sitemap: While there is no hard and fast rule for how many URLs you should include in your sitemap, it’s generally a good idea to limit the number of URLs to 50,000 or less.
  5. Submit your sitemap to search engines: Once you have created your sitemap, submit it to search engines like Google and Bing to ensure that your site is crawled and indexed.


In conclusion, XML sitemaps are an essential part of optimizing your website for search engines. They help search engines understand the connection between web pages, identifying the most important ones. By providing additional information for each URL, website owners can optimize the website indexing process and improve their website’s visibility in search results.


  • how to check xml sitemaps
  • types of xml sitemaps
  • xml sitemaps

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